Presentation Archive
AI, Big Data, and Humanity in 2024: Our new relationship with AI | Keynote at the Amsterdam RAI Center | February 2024
The latest AI models based on planetary scale LLMs with intelligent interfaces such as ChatGPT are changing our relationship with AI. This presentation is an excellent overview of the latest…Watch Now
Colorful Lives: Photographic Stories From the Ocean | EG Conference, Carmel, CA | May 2015
Experience the colorful lives of underwater animals through the lens of art photography. Learn about the surprising sex lives of famous animated fish, the bizarre mating habits of punk-rock nudibranchs,…Watch Now
How AI Can Enhance Our Memory, Work, and Social Lives | Main Stage TED, Vancouver, BC | April 2017
How smart can our machines make us? In his talk at TED 2017, Tom introduces the idea of Humanistic AI that augments and collaborates with us instead of competing with…Watch Now
What Can AI Do for Humanity? | Keynote | AI.X Conference, Seoul, South Korea | June 25, 2019
In this talk to a gathering of over 1,000 AI practitioners, Tom showed how the misuse of AI by social media has led to over unprecedented addiction and harm to…Watch Now
Navigating the Startup Ecosystem | Virtual Keynote | December 2020
In 2010 Siri was purchased by Apple and remains central to the user experience of all Apple products. Today, Siri is used more than a billion time a day in…Watch Now
What AI and Big Data Can Do for Humanity | Virtual Keynote | TechfestNW | December 4, 2020
In this keynote, Tom shares his insights into the power and potential of big data and AI, with examples of how things can go wrong — and the potential for…Watch Now
Intelligence at the Interface: The Virtual Assistant Paradigm for Human Computer Interaction | Keynote | BayCHI, San Francisco | December 10, 2019
BayCHI is the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction. This talk explores the virtual assistant metaphor as an interaction paradigm, like mouse-and-menu…Watch Now
The Generation That Will Save the Ocean | TEDx Mountain View | April 28, 2016
This talk was aimed at high school students in Silicon Valley, calling on them to join in the fight to save the ocean. Earth’s oceans are in immediate peril from…Watch Now
Big Think Small Screen: How Semantic Computing in the Cloud Will Revolutionize the Consumer Experience on the Phone | Keynote | Web 3.0 Conference | January 27, 2010
A week before Siri was released to the Apple app store, Tom gave a keynote address at the Web 3.0 conference, which was about intelligent applications on the web. In…Watch Now
Siri: A Virtual Personal Assistant (2009) | Keynote | Semantic Technologies Conference (SemTech) | June 16, 2009
In 2009 — a year before Siri was launched — Tom introduced Siri to a technical audience, laying out the key problems to be solved and the technologies involved. The…Watch Now